Signature Babylight
The ideal service for clients who want to go as blonde as they can in one service. Includes 4 bowls of lightener, gloss, K-18 treatment and blow-dry. Any additional color/ lightener +$20 per bowl.
The ideal service for clients who want to go as blonde as they can in one service. Includes 4 bowls of lightener, gloss, K-18 treatment and blow-dry. Any additional color/ lightener +$20 per bowl.
Includes 2 Bowls of lightener, Gloss & blow dry Additional color/lightener +$20 per bowl
Includes 1 bowls of lightener, gloss & blowdry. Lightening of the front & crown portion of head. Additional color/lightener +$15 per bowl
Includes the lightening around the hairline, gloss & blowdry.
EXTENSIONS ONLY. Consultation required for extensions. Deposit will go towards cost of install. *non refundable*
Consultation required.Consultation required. Includes installation and full size at-home care kit.
Consultation required. Includes installation and full size at-home care kit.
• Blocks humidity and eliminates frizz. • Instantly repairs damage. • Increases manageability. • Delivers luminous shine. • Dramatically reduces blow-dry time. • Enhances color vibrancy. • Lasts up to 5 months. Each additional bowl $75
Consultation required. Includes installation and full size at-home care kit.
Full Extension Removal with wash & blowdry.
All over toner used to get rid of unwanted tones & create shine in the hair. K-18 treatment & Blowout included.
Required maintenance for I-tip extensions every 4-6 weeks. $75 for 1 pack, additional $25 per pack after that.
Quick haircut on dry hair. Wash & style not included.
Only available to be added on with any color service.
Ideal service for clients that need grey coverage. Includes blowdry.
Ideal for clients looking to go darker or more “lived in”. This service includes services such as a full lowlight or a double process darker color. Includes blowdry.
All over gloss that gets rid of unwanted tones and creates shine in the hair. Great for in between lightening appointments. Blow dry included. 1oz of color included. Root Smudge not included. $20 extra if root smudge is needed/wanted.
Permanent root coverage ideally for gray coverage. Overall Gloss & blowdry included.
Required maintenance every 4-8 weeks. $100 per pack. Please come with clean & dry hair.
Required maintenance every 4-6 weeks. $50 per row. Please come with clean dry hair.